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투잡뛰는 개발 노동자

[SI Developer Story] 12. Technology Stack Frequently Used in SI Projects

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises in South Korea mainly use Java-based Spring, Oracle DB, Mybatis, and JSP, Java Script, HTML, CSS technology stacks to provide SI services, and use Eclipse IDE to develop them efficiently.
  • These technology stacks enable the development of efficient and stable IT systems, contributing to cost reduction and productivity improvement.
  • Spring is well-modularized, which is beneficial for maintenance, and Oracle DB provides high-volume data processing and fast search speeds, efficiently supporting small and medium-sized enterprises' data storage and management.

SI Developer Story
#12. Commonly Used Technology Stacks in SI Projects

SI refers to the field that provides IT services related to system development and maintenance. In South Korea, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can easily utilize IT technology through SI without employing non-specialized personnel.

SMEs primarily utilize Java-based Spring, Oracle DB, Mybatis, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS as their programming technology stack in SI. These technologies enable the development of efficient and stable IT systems, and many SMEs continue to use this stack to date. eGov, an electronic government framework, also standardizes Java-based Spring. Spring is one of the most widely used web frameworks in the Korean SI market. This is because it is concise yet highly productive compared to other web frameworks. Spring also has well-defined modules, which is advantageous for maintenance.

This allows SMEs to reduce costs and increase efficiency with relatively fewer personnel.

Oracle DB and Mybatis are used as database systems for storing and retrieving data. Oracle DB offers high-volume data processing and fast retrieval speeds, helping SMEs store and manage more data compared to other database systems.

Mybatis is a framework used for mapping between databases and Java objects, effectively handling interactions between databases and Java language. JSP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are essential components in web application development.

JSP is a server-side scripting language based on the Java language, which generates dynamic web pages for users to view. JavaScript is a language used to implement dynamic interaction features on web pages. HTML is the language responsible for the structure of web pages, while CSS handles design and layout. All these technology stacks are developed through Eclipse.

Eclipse is one of the most widely used IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) in the Korean SI market. Eclipse is easy to use and helps manage the software development process efficiently. In conclusion, SMEs in South Korea primarily use Java-based Spring, Oracle DB, Mybatis, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to provide SI services, and they use Eclipse as an IDE for efficient development.

These technology stacks and IDEs allow SMEs to achieve stable and efficient IT system development, reducing costs and increasing productivity.

투잡뛰는 개발 노동자
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