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[Non-majors, Surviving as Developers] 6. Things to Prepare Before Enrolling in a Non-major Developer Academy

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Preparing for programming basics and purchasing a laptop before enrolling in a developer academy can be helpful.
  • Starting with web fundamentals can help with programming introduction, and purchasing an affordable laptop is better to focus on academy classes.
  • It is important to enjoy your academy life with the excitement of challenging yourself in a new field, rather than anxiety about employment.

Non-majors, Survive as a Developer

#6. Non-majors, Preparations Before Entering the Academy

It's the most ambiguous time when you've contacted an academy, whether it's government-funded or private, and are waiting for it to start. Will I be able to keep up? What should I study in advance? These kinds of thoughts come to mind. Similar questions often come up in developer communities. So, in this article, I'll summarize what's good to prepare before entering the academy.

Programming Study
Since the classes at the academy are taught for students who know absolutely nothing, they start from the basics. However, it's difficult to teach in detail during the 6-month course period, and 2 months of that time is spent on group projects (portfolios). So, the actual time spent learning theory isn't long. That's why it's very helpful to go over the curriculum taught at the academy, even if it's shallow and wide.

Many people want to start with programming languages like C or Java. However, in my personal experience, it's necessary to understand the web first, and it's better to study the Client first because you can create functions that are visible on the screen right away, which makes it easier to get used to programming. (If you only see a console screen on a black screen from the beginning, you might think, "Where am I?").

Laptop Purchase
A laptop is actually an optional (?) preparation, but I think it's good to prepare it based on my personal experience. It's work to transfer the coding done in the academy classes, and you need to code outside the academy during team projects, so there are many advantages.

Occasionally, some people buy Macbooks (...). While Macbooks are certainly a good environment for developers to use, I don't recommend them if you're a first-time user because you'll have to study Mac OS from the beginning.

A high-performance laptop is not really necessary, and since we are unemployed in Korea (..), a low-cost laptop in the 400,000 to 500,000 won range is enough.

It's better to buy a low-cost laptop for the academy, even if you want to buy a more expensive one later and use it for work.

Enjoy without burden and with a comfortable mind
Isn't this the most important item? It's natural to have worries and anxieties like, "Will I be able to get a job?" or "What if I can't keep up?".

However, unlike those worries, there are many cases where people have started from zero, gotten a job through the academy, and become developers. So, it's important to let go of your worries and focus on making as many features as possible. Personally, I think doing something is the best way to eliminate anxiety and worry.

I hope you start your first challenge in a new field confidently.

투잡뛰는 개발 노동자
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