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[SI Developer Story] 10. What is documentation in an SI project?

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • In SI projects, various documents such as proposals, screen definition documents, and design documents need to be written, and new developers are often in charge of these documentation tasks.
  • In Korean SI culture, it is common to do documentation all at once just before the project ends, because the project period is short or requirements change frequently.
  • Document writing is a difficult task for developers in SI projects, but it can be a good opportunity for new developers to gain experience and pass it on to their successors.

SI Developer Story
#10. What is documentation in SI projects?

In si projects, documents must be submitted to the client as evidence that the project was well-made.

From the proposal, screen definition documents, design documents, user manuals, etc., according to the project stage, documents to be written from project proposal to design, development, testing, opening and operation exist, and these are usually handled by new developers.

When writing documents, you may wonder if you became a developer to do this or if you are a clerical worker. Also, in Korea, documentation that needs to be performed at each stage is often concentrated just before the end of the project, for the following reasons.

  • The project period is short, so it is made as quickly as possible, and documents are made to look good to carry out the project within the period.
  • Even if it is created step by step, requirements are added and changed, so it is faster to create it all at once and then adjust it accordingly.

Ironically, although the order is wrong, it is a method that has naturally evolved (?) in Korean si culture.

There are many tools for drawing screen definition documents, but you can see the miraculous scene of creating screen definition documents by capturing completed operation screens.

Generally, developers hate documentation, but what can you do? You're a newbie.

New employees, who are the easiest to handle, are responsible for documentation. Since you can't assign development right away, you'll assign documentation.

Anyway, if I do it, I can assign it to the next person, so let's make it hard when we have the chance.

투잡뛰는 개발 노동자
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