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[SI Developer Story] 05. Overtime and Weekend Work, Inseparable from SI Companies

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • SI developers often face overtime and weekend work due to frequent changes and additions in client requests. Most SI companies offer fixed salaries and do not provide overtime pay.
  • However, since the implementation of the 52-hour workweek system in May 2024, overtime and weekend work have decreased, and discussions regarding the abolition of fixed salaries are ongoing, increasing the possibility of receiving overtime pay in the future.
  • When choosing an SI company, it is important to carefully consider factors such as overtime pay, benefits such as dinner and taxi fare support, and special allowance payments.

The Story of SI Developers
#5. Overtime and weekend work that cannot be avoided in SI companies

Clients who order projects want to see their programs quickly.
And requirements change and are added from time to time. They do not clearly understand the requirements of the program they will use themselves and expect that it will be made as long as they pay. Therefore, the project period is calculated based on the initial requirements, but responding to numerous requirements results in a lack of time, inevitably leading to overtime and weekend work.

However, most SI companies have a comprehensive wage system, so they do not pay overtime pay. Most SI companies will provide dinner support during overtime and taxi fare support if they leave after 10 pm.
Sometimes, conscientious companies pay a little extra for weekend work or give vacation time according to the number of hours worked overtime. Therefore, if the company does not even provide food, it is recommended to run quickly. Currently, overtime and weekend work are becoming less common since the implementation of the 52-hour workweek. And with the abolition of the comprehensive wage system, it may be possible for us to live in a world where we can be paid fairly for overtime.

투잡뛰는 개발 노동자
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